

发布时间:2024-09-19 11:25:34 浏览次数:2    公司名称:[汕尾]鹿程国际贸易有限公司

品名电工钢 冷轧无取向电工钢 冷轧取向电工钢卷冷轧取向硅钢 取向电工钢冷轧无取向硅钢冷轧无取向硅钢
规格0.08 0.1 0.05 0.18 0.2 0.23 0.27 0.3 0.35 0.5 0.65 1.0mm
  • 【电工钢硅钢片】新能源电工钢品质可靠
  • 【电工钢硅钢片】新能源电工钢品质可靠
  • 【电工钢硅钢片】新能源电工钢品质可靠
  • 【电工钢硅钢片】新能源电工钢品质可靠
  • 【电工钢硅钢片】新能源电工钢品质可靠
【电工钢硅钢片】新能源电工钢品质可靠,广东省汕尾市鹿程国际贸易有限公司为您提供【电工钢硅钢片】新能源电工钢品质可靠,联系人:鹿丙伟,电话:021-56152236、13764370568,QQ:871956683,请联系广东省汕尾市鹿程国际贸易有限公司,发货地:宝山区蕰川公路777号宝钢厂区607-609室发货到广东省 汕尾市 海丰县、陆河县、陆丰县。 广东省,汕尾市 东晋咸和六年(331年),置海丰县。隋开皇十一年(591年),属循州。明清,属惠州府。1956年1月,隶属惠阳专区;1959年3月22日,划归汕头专区;1983年12月22日,划归惠阳地区管辖;1988年,设立汕尾市。截至2022年10月,汕尾市辖1个市辖区、2个县,代管1个县级市。汕尾市是全国13块红色革命根据地之一,中国个县级苏维埃政权诞生地,广东一个全域革命老区,全市4个县(市、区)均为一类革命老区县;汕尾背山面海,交汇融合闽南文化、潮汕文化、客家文化、广府文化,在地理和文化上自成一派,形成了特色鲜明的“海陆丰文化”。地方传统戏剧有正字戏、西秦戏、白字戏。孕育彭湃、谢非、陈炯明、陈其尤、黄鼎臣、马思聪、钟敬文、杨成志、柯麟、彭士禄、黄旭华等人士。汕尾市拥有中国大陆的滨海澙湖——品清湖,红场星火、玄武灵声、有凤来仪、遮浪奇观、金厢银滩、莲峰叠翠、五坡正气、南万椎涛等“汕尾八景”。



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电工钢硅钢片Electrical steel, also known as silicon steel sheet, is an indispensable metal material in the power, electronics, and military industries, and is also the largest functional material in production. It is mainly used as the iron core for various motors, generators, and transformers. Specific total loss (iron loss) is the total power consumed per unit mass of material when the magnetic polarization waveform remains sinusoidal, with a specific peak and frequency. The specific total loss is represented by the symbol P (Jm/f), in W/kg. Example: P1.5/50 represents the specific total loss at a maximum magnetic polarization intensity of 1.5T and a frequency of 50Hz. 3.2 Magnetic Polarization Q/BQB 480-20212 Magnetic polarization intensity refers to the peak magnetic polarization intensity of a specific magnetic field intensity when a sample is subjected to alternating magnetization. Its symbol is J (H), and the unit is T (Tesla). Example: J5000 represents the peak magnetic polarization intensity corresponding to a magnetic field intensity peak of 5000A/m. The material grades in this document are classified based on the nominal maximum specific total loss P1.5/50 (W/kg) at a magnetic polarization strength of 1.5T and a frequency of 50Hz, as well as the nominal thickness of the material. They are further divided into three categories based on product characteristics: ordinary type, stress relief annealing type, and high-efficiency type. Example 1: B35A210 represents a common non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific total loss value P1.5/50 is 2.10W/kg; Example 2: B35AR300 represents a stress relieved annealed non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific total loss value P1.5/50 is 3.00W/kg; Example 3: B35AH230 represents an efficient non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific loss value P1.5/50 is 2.30W/kg. Example 4: 35WW210 represents a normal type WW non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific loss value P1.5/50 is 2.10W/kg. Example 5: 35WH230 represents an efficient WH non oriented electrical steel with a nominal thickness of 0.35mm, and the maximum nominal specific loss value P1.5/50 is 2.30W/kg. The classification and code of insulation coatings shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2 Classification and Code of Insulation Coatings Type Code Characteristics of Insulation Coatings Semi organic Thin Coating A Improves Punching Performance and Has Good Weldability Semi organic Thick Coating H has Good Punching Performance and High Interlayer Resistance Semi organic Chromium Free Thin Coating K does not contain chromium and has good weldability Semi organic Chromium Free Thick Coating M does not contain chromium and has good insulation performance Semi organic Chromium Free Extreme Thick Coating J does not contain chromium and has excellent insulation performance Semi organic Chromium Free Ultra Thick Coating L does not contain chromium and has extremely high insulation performance Self adhesive Coating

电工钢硅钢片绝缘涂层取向电工钢产品表面均涂以一层无机绝缘涂层,该涂层具有优异的涂层特性:层间电阻高—层间电阻高,确保良好的层间绝缘性。冲片性能优—涂层与底层紧密结合,具有良好的附着性,可防止加工时涂层脱落。 叠片系数高—表面涂层均匀且薄,具有优异的叠片性能。耐热性能好—涂层能承受800℃退火,且不被损坏。耐蚀性能好—涂层与冷却油、同城绝缘油、同城机械油及氟里昂、同城防冻油等不相容,免受侵蚀。电工钢主要分为晶粒取向电工钢和晶粒无取向电工钢两大




